Privacy Policy


By using our Services, you agree that AUCO General Traders CC t/a Tsele le Tsele may use Cookies (both session and persistent) and various types of tracking technology to collect/ monitor and store electronic and personal information.

WHAT TYPE OF INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT: [1] Personal information that you will provide during payment E.G. your name and surname, ID number (or passport number), date of birth, gender, email address, credit/debit card details, contact numbers, specification needs or preferences and any other personal information you provide voluntarily to us directly [2] Internet usage information E.G. browsing habits, searches, click patterns, IP address, unique ID, pages visited, pathway taken during your search activity, time spent on our Website, what images and content you view/ download and any other relevant Internet usage information. [3] Details submitted by you or acquired by AUCO General Traders CC t/a Tsele le Tsele in relation to your response to any promotions, reviews, surveys, fault reports submitted and the like.

WHY DO WE COLLECT INFORMATION: The information that we gather is used primarily for the following purposes; [1] Website security, [2] to verify your identity, [3] to speed up any subsequent visits through the use of auto insert functions, [4] to understand how users interact with our Website and what preferences and needs they might have so that we can improve our Services and the uses Website experience, [5] to personalise (by way of greeting you by name) any subsequent visits you make to the Website, [6] to inform you of facts/ promotions and the like that may be of interest to you based on your prior search interest  and [7] to acquire statistical data on total numbers of Website visits/ page views etc.

OUR COMMITMENTS: AUCO General Traders CC t/a Tsele le Tsele will not share your personal information without your written consent except where compelled to do so through due legal process. AUCO General Traders CC t/a Tsele le Tsele may compile and share non-personal, anonymous and statistical data and information (which we shall own) with 3rd parties. AUCO General Traders CC t/a Tsele le Tsele will take all reasonable steps when collecting, processing, storing and (where required to do so) sharing your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013 (PoPI Act). We will not knowingly collect information relating to vulnerable Users or children.